Wellcome to [ Mochrome Project ]
11 January, 2010, 14:40 - -Amaneceres/atardeceres, -Blanco y negro, -Fuerza del mar, [ Monochrome Project ], -Vizcaya

This is the first entry into the web, a project through which I hope transmit my sensations and show my monochrome work.
I hope that you enjoy it.
Best regards, Arkaitz Morales
04 February, 2010, 15:43
Joio preciosa especialmente la primera foto...la ultima tambien me ha gustado muchoUn saludo
Arkaitz Morales
25 January, 2010, 13:54
Hi Dani!Thank you very much for the comment, you are always welcome.
The languaje isn´t important, although to me is more complicated... but I built this site in English, so we have to try, right?
This is an image of a beach in Vizcaya, Laga... if you want to visit in summer.
A pleasure to have you Dani.
Best regards, Arkaitz Morales.
Daniel Arenas
23 January, 2010, 16:36
Hi Arkaitz,You're writing in this weblog in English so I don't know I'm supposed to write my comments in English too or in Spanish or it doesn't matter. As you want my friend I've no problem on it.
I want to congratulate you for this blank and white photo project. And also want to encourage you to show us your astonishing ans awesome images you've taken with your camera.
I like a lot the way you see the world through the viewfinder of your DSLR (digital reflex single lens)that you show us in that, yours, Monochrome Project.
I've committed the big mistake no to have posted anything here before, and wanted to solve it answering this first entry.
This shot is gorgeous and very well focused and processed. Tones are utterly beautiful! It seems to be a beach but I'm not sure.
Mucho tiempo Dani!!!! Muchas gracias por las palabras, si...Daniel Arenas
Buenas Arkaitz, cuanto tiempo! La verdad es que ando tan...Administrator (Arkaitz Morales)
Muchas gracias María, siempre con unas preciosas palabras...